Mutation Details

DNA changeProtein changeExon/intronTypeReported classificationBatemanSIFTPolyPhenConservedProtein domainRemarksLOVD ID
c.3209A>Gp.Tyr1070CysExon 24MissenseDisease-causingSurface siteNot toleratedPossibly damagingModerately Fn 5 Segragation of the mutation with the disease. Increased heterophilic binding and normal homophilic binding (De Angelis) Defective in stimulating human epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase activity (Nagaraj)


Family# Affected relativesClinical featuresRemarksReference
1 4 Hydrocephalus, Mental retardation, Spastic paraplegia Died before the age of 1 yr: 1/4 Jouet et al. (1993a), Jouet et al. (1995a)


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2002De Angelis et al.Disease-associated mutations in L1 CAM interfere with ligand interactions and cell-surface expression Hum. Mol. Genet. 111-12 11772994
1993aJouet et al.Refining the genetic localisation of the gene for X-linked hydrocephalus within Xq28 J. Med. Genet. 30214-217 8474107
1995aJouet et al.New domains of neural cell-adhesion molecule L1 implicated in X-linked hydrocephalus and MASA syndrome Am. J. Hum. Genet. 561304-1314 7762552
2009Nagaraj et al.Pathogenic human L1-CAM mutations reduce the adhesion-dependent activation of EGFR Hum. Mol. Genet. 18 (20)3822-3831 19617634