Mutation Details

DNA changeProtein changeExon/intronTypeReported classificationBatemanSIFTPolyPhenConservedProtein domainRemarksLOVD ID
c.791G>Ap.Cys264TyrExon 7MissenseDisease-causingKey residueNot toleratedProbably damagingHighly Ig 3 Segregation of the mutation with the disease. The mutation reduces homophilic and heterophilic binding (De Angelis)


Family# Affected relativesClinical featuresRemarksReference
1 5 Hydrocephalus, ? Family H2 in reference. Died before the age of 1yr: 5/5 Jouet et al. (1993a)


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2003Rünker et al.The C264Y missense mutation in the extracellular domain of L1 impairs protein trafficking in vitro and in vivo J. Neurosc 23(1)277-286 12514225