Reference details

Michelson et al.2002Hum. Mutat.481-48220Missense mutations in the extracellular domain of the human neural cell adhesion molecule L1 reduce neurite outgrowth of murine cerebellar neurons 12442287

Mutations mentioned in reference

Protein DomainExon/IntronDNA ChangeProtein ChangeTypeReported ClassificationDetailsLOVD ID
Ig 2Exon 6c.536T>Gp.Ile179SerMissenseDisease-causing Details
Ig 2Exon 6c.550C>Tp.Arg184TrpMissenseDisease-causing Details
Ig 2Exon 6c.581A>Gp.Tyr194CysMissenseDisease-causing Details
Ig 3Exon 7c.791G>Ap.Cys264TyrMissenseDisease-causing Details


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